We were so excited to get snow today! Boys were up at 6 ready to go. I however was not, we did manage to wait for them to go out untill around 7:30. Brie went out twice for about 20 minutes. She is so cold natured that she can not handle to cold for too long! We have enjoyed our day home from school and are hoping that it will freeze over again tommorow so we can stay home again!!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Saturday we went to a birthday party at the YMCA in Millington for a birthday party for one of Brent's friends from school Bailey Jones. It was actually the second Saturday in a row that we went there, the past weekend we went for Jackson and Caden Owen's birthday party! The kids had a ball.
They were excited when MarySelle and Conley were there because they love to play with the Lea girls! Ofcourse Jack Bailey rode with us and they all had a great time!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
It's snowing!!!
I took the chance of taking snow pictures with Brie since she is here at school with me this morning before she goes to school. Bailey had already caught the bus over to the elementary school from the high school, and Brent is at Granny's sick today. Bailey and Brieanna were so excited on the way to school that it was snowing so hard. Hwy 59 from our house to Randolph was covered already, we had to drive slow! You can't really see the snow flurries since this is not my good camera that catches everything, but it is snowing really hard!
.. oh and by the way... YES SHE HAS A COAT!! She had already taken it off in my classroom and this is just right outside the door where she stood for one second and I snapped a quick picture Mom!
Monday, January 19, 2009
A great day!
Around lunch we went and picked up the boys, went to the grocery store, then took Brie to dance. She is loving taking dance lessons, today she also started gymnastics today too.
When we got home, we made jello and a cake. The kids love cooking. It was nothing fancy, but they loved every minute of it! As you can see they enjoyed the icing and licking the bowls better than anything!
As for the rest of our weekend, we had a busy weekend. Friday night Brent played basketball, we stayed untill half time of Lauren Rose's game so we didn't get home untill a little late! Saturday both boys played basketball, then we had Jackson and Cadens birthday party which the kids loved because it was at the indoor pool at the YMCA. It was another late night because we went to the Brighton vs Covington basketball game after the birthday party. Even though the Cards and both boys teams lost, it was still a great day! Sunday after church we took it easy though, and just played outside.
I'm hoping the rest of or week will be just as easy!
Friday, January 16, 2009
another trip down memory lane...

I found these pictures today in a frame in my classroom while my class is working on scanning images, creating layouts, blogs, etc. This is a document creation class! My how my boys have grown up. These bring back some memories. It was just the two boys and they were busy little boys, and still are. They are so cute!
2008 Family Picture

Baby its cold outside!
Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............. when I got up this morning it said it was 4 on my truck thermometer. I had to park outside last night so the dogs could stay in the carport with their beds and heater. They sure looked all nice and cozy out there! I had to get Brent to go out and crank the car so we wouldn't freeze when we go ready to leave. We all looked like we were getting ready for a snow storm when we left the house, except for Bailey... the one who has a mind of his own. I tell him it is 4 degrees out to get his big camo jacket, we get in the car and I look at him and he has on a sweatshirt with his pants, and a toboggan.... no jacket. I'm sure when he gets out at school those teachers think I am mother of the year... he just doesn't like to wear jackets, i guess that comes with him being claustrophobic, he can't stand you to cover his head with anything or hold him down. I guess its a good thing they don't have to be outside waiting for anything so he won't get cold!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
It's been a fun, crazy week so far. Monday Brie started dance lessons, and she loved it. She has asked everyday is it time to go back to dance yet. After dance we went home, got homework done, supper cooked, and I had a JA board meeting. Tuesday after school, Brie and I ran to Bartlett to buy her dance shoes, rushed back and got Bailey to basketball practice while Jason took Brent. Tonight I just got them to bed after they have been at Awana's at Oak Grove tonight. While they were there Jason and I snuck up to eat Chinese all alone, it was nice! I feel kinda guilty though!!
Tommorow starts a whole new long busy day, up early so we can all get to school, then I have parent teacher conference's untill 6:30. Thank godness Friday's coming!!!
Tommorow starts a whole new long busy day, up early so we can all get to school, then I have parent teacher conference's untill 6:30. Thank godness Friday's coming!!!
Friday, January 9, 2009
They grow up too fast!

All of these pictures are from May 2007. It amazes me how fast my children grow. I was looking through some pictures last night from 2006 when Brie was just turning 1, I can't believe she has now just turned 4 and the boys are 8 & 9. Where did the time go?
I try to think back sometimes about Bailey and Brent being babies and how they did this and that and when, it is sad that I struggle sometimes to remember certain things from when they were babies because so much has happened since! I know that when Brent was 1 and Bailey was a baby I was so stressed out have two chidren both under 2, but it is funny that now as I look back I don't really remember much about it but the good times.
It doesn't seem like that long ago that the boys were starting tball and learning how to hit a ball and now they are pitching??? What happened to dropping them off at nursery school so cute and sweet and now they are both big boys with homework and projects?
Brie even told me yesterday walking in to Wal-Mart that she was 4 and big now and I didn't need to hold her hand anymore. I told her she would always need to hold mommies hand!
Life changes so fast, I hope that I can just slow down and enjoy the good times that I have now with my babies because they will be grown before we know it.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Saturdy before back to school
This was the last day to enjoy the kids being out of school with nothing to do, so we went to see Marley and Me with Nick, Michelle, & Isa. MarySelle went with us and we had a great time. We came home and rode four wheelers for a while before we went to Drake's 8th birthday party at Pump it Up. Brent, Bailey, and Brie had a great time! Happy Birthday Drake!
Isa & Brie on Isa's new four wheeler she got from Santa!
Brent & MarySelle riding
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