family silhouette

Friday, January 16, 2009

Baby its cold outside!

Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............. when I got up this morning it said it was 4 on my truck thermometer. I had to park outside last night so the dogs could stay in the carport with their beds and heater. They sure looked all nice and cozy out there! I had to get Brent to go out and crank the car so we wouldn't freeze when we go ready to leave. We all looked like we were getting ready for a snow storm when we left the house, except for Bailey... the one who has a mind of his own. I tell him it is 4 degrees out to get his big camo jacket, we get in the car and I look at him and he has on a sweatshirt with his pants, and a toboggan.... no jacket. I'm sure when he gets out at school those teachers think I am mother of the year... he just doesn't like to wear jackets, i guess that comes with him being claustrophobic, he can't stand you to cover his head with anything or hold him down. I guess its a good thing they don't have to be outside waiting for anything so he won't get cold!

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